The 2024 Sweetheart Champions
Marie Young
Joan Latimet
Jennifer Langlois
Dianne Penny
Sweetheart Wrap-up
Even though the CC Computer Solutions Inc. Sweetheart spiel was delayed by a couple of weeks by Cape Breton's massive snow storm and cleanup, the event was still a huge success and still saw it hit its full capacity with twelve teams taking part. Originally scheduled for February 9 and 10, the delay in cleanup of the large amounts of snow forced its delay to February 23 and 24. While some curlers had to drop out due to the change of dates, others stepped in and made up the twelve teams that competed for the coveted 'Sweetheart Sweaters'.
All teams saw action on opening night Friday with one draw being a 4 ender and the other two being six end games. Each team played one four end game and two six end games during the spiel. Friday also saw the traditional wine and cheese reception take place with many people contributing dips, trays and sandwiches for all to enjoy. Russell Fitzgerald and Martin Campbell once again donated the wine as well as some Baja Rosa that was enjoyed by many curlers all weekend. Russell and Martin have been doing that since the very first Sweetheart.
Saturday play got underway early with the first draw starting at 9am. All teams would play two games on Saturday. Curlers were treated to some homemade soup and corn chowder compliments of Frances Ford and Alison Grapes at lunch time and then later to a Chinese dinner at the end of the spiel.
When all the curling was done and the points all tallied, the Mary Young rink out of the Sydney Curling Club came out on top with a total of 34 points for the weekend. The Young foursome curled their way to a perfect 3-0 record over the two day event. Joining skip Marie was Joan Latimer, Jennifer Langlois and Dianne Penny. Congratulations on your win. Second spot was taken by the Patti Merrigan rink with skip Merrigan, Nadine Neima-Drover, Elizabeth Dieltgens and Cheryl MacInnis. They dropped their first game but came on strong on Saturday with two wins that vaulted them up the in the standings. Third place was taken by the Joanne Hunston rink who had a strong start to the spiel on Friday but, after dropping their second game and not able to muster enough points in their third tilt, came in one point behind second place Merrigan. Fourth place was taken by Schooner's own Lynn Kelly and rounding out the top five was another Schooner entry, the Carrie Cress rink. Skip Lynn Kelly was joined by Frances Ford, Rose Gale and Kristen Bell. Skip Carrie was aided by Colleen MacLeod, Ashley Foster and Marnie MacDonald. Testament to the parity and competitiveness among the teams was the fact that only one point separated each of the teams as you went from second to fifth place. Merrigan had 31, Hunston had 30, Kelly was at 29 and Cress came in with 28.
Prize presentations followed dinner and team Young were presented with their first place sweaters and custom wine glasses. There were also lots of prizes for all curlers who got to pick from the table as their team's name was drawn. No one left disappointed.
Overall a great weekend of curling, food and fun, just as the Sweetheart is every year. We want to thank our sponsors, CC Computer Solutions Inc as spiel sponsor and Russell Fitzgerald and martin Campbell for sponsoring the wine and cheese reception on Friday. A big thank you to Lynn Kelly and the bonspiel committee for organizing and running the event, to Brian, Russell and the rest of the ice crew for working hard all weekend to keep conditions top notch, to everyone who brought food on Friday and Saturday, especially Frances and Alison for the soup and chowder. And a big thank you out to all the volunteers who worked hard and helped out in any way. Without the generous donation of time by so many, events like these at the Schooner Club would not be possible. Last, but certainly not least, we want to thank all of the curlers who joined us for the Sweetheart this year, especially the many that came from outside of the Schooner ranks. We hope you had a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
Rescheduled to February 23 and 24!!
Rosters and Schedules are now posted below.
$35 Per Player ($25 for Schooner Members)
3 Games Guaranteed
Wine and Cheese Friday Night
Dinner on Saturday
Lots or prizes to be won!
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